Sacrament Preparation

Registration for the sacraments are for children as follows:

Confirmation and First Eucharist (Grade 2+) Children are prepared for both of these sacraments at the same time.

First Reconciliation: (Grade 4 +)

For sacrament registration or information on any sacrament, please phone our office at  306-352-8044, or email


What are the dates for the classes?

Confirmation & First Eucharist:

The program consists of one parent meeting followed by five family sessions.  A parent must accompany their child to all five of the family sessions as well as the rehearsal and celebration.  The dates for the sessions are as follows:

Parent Meeting:  Thursday, November 28, 2024 – only parents are required to attend this meeting

Family sessions will begin in 2025:  January 11, February 1, March 1, March 22 and April 5.

A rehearsal date is determined once the Archbishop sets the confirmation date.

Confirmation and First Eucharist is celebrated sometime between Easter and end of June. 


First Reconciliation:

The program consists of two family sessions and then a celebration of the sacrament.  A parent must accompany their child to both sessions and the celebration.  The dates for the sessions are October 5, 2024 and November 16, 2024 with the celebration on November 30, 2024.


What can we do at home to help our children get ready for these Sacraments?

One of the best ways you can help prepare for the Sacraments as a family is to attend Mass weekly together! Doing acts of service in your community is an important way to participate in the mission of the church as well. We will provide you with various opportunities to deepen your faith life, and to support each other throughout the preparation time too!